How An Orthopedist Can Help With Pain Management

17 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Persistent pain in the body is often caused by bone, joint, or muscle problems, and an orthopedist can offer treatment that provides relief. These doctors know how to diagnose different conditions that cause this pain and use a variety of treatment methods to give each patient the personalized care that alleviates their specific type of pain. Here are some of the ways that an orthopedist can help with pain management.

Devise an Exercise Plan

Even though exercise may seem counterintuitive to treating pain, moving the body in certain ways to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility can often provide substantial relief. An orthopedist can recommend certain exercises and create a workout plan that will be safe to follow. Quite often, exercise can be effective in relieving pain in areas of the body, such as the:

  • Back
  • Neck
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Feet

Certain physical therapy exercises that involve assisted movements may also be part of the treatment plan, but the orthopedist might refer the patient to a physical therapist to receive this type of pain treatment. 

Suggest Walking Aids

Pain that is felt when walking can often be relieved with the use of walking aids. These devices can alleviate much of the strain from the feet, ankles, and other sections of the body that often develop pain from walking. Some of the most commonly prescribed walking aids include:

  • Walkers
  • Crutches
  • Canes
  • Orthopedic shoe inserts

Prescribe Medications

When other treatments have failed to alleviate the chronic pain or the pain is particularly severe, the orthopedist may prescribe special medications for pain management. Chronic pain is often caused by inflammation, and medications that reduce inflammation can work to resolve the problem in whatever part of the body where the pain and inflammation are occurring. Over-the-counter medicines may also be suggested for pain management.


Surgery is usually used as a last resort when no other treatment methods are likely to offer pain relief. Undergoing a surgical procedure may be necessary to correct congenital deformities or other abnormalities in the body that are causing the ongoing pain. Reconstructive surgeries and joint replacements are often performed for patients who experience ongoing pain. Spine surgery to correct disc problems that impact nerves and cause even more pain can also offer relief for many chronic pain sufferers.

Orthopedists have long played an important role in the area of pain management. These doctors can treat pain in many parts of the body that results from different causes.

For help with your pain management, reach out to a local orthopedist.